Maggie (Yu Nan, front left), Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone, front center), Gunner Jensen (Dolph Lundgren, front right), Hale Caesar (Terry Crews, back left) and Toll Road (Randy Couture, back right) in THE EXPENDABLES 2.

If there’s anything the New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day films taught us, it’s that simply throwing a dozen big name actors at a film is no recipe for success. Hence, perhaps, the lukewarm $28.8 million box office reception this weekend for The Expendables 2, which included Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Sylvester Stallone, and the Gubernator. (And that’s just a sampling.) The weekend’s other big-ish opener was 3D flick ParaNorman, whose Coraline-esque visuals and $14 million in ticket sales were not enough to bump Bourne Legacy from second place. Further down, Whitney Houston’s last film project, Sparkle, opened fifth, while David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis debuted in just three theaters nationwide with what Deadline considers a “fairly impressive” $24,000 haul.


THR Expendables 2 Leads Box Office
